Best Facebook Dating Bio

The headline of your dating profile is perhaps the most eye-catching things that opens the doorway to get a dating partner. Read this to get a few examples of some splendid dating headlines for both, men and women.

Creating online dating profiles has infected men and women for searching for a suitable match. And a well-written dating headline is the first thing that will catch the attention of onlookers. In order to get the much-needed attention, you should think of a phrase that suits your personality and character. The best headlines contain intelligent words and succinct sentences capable of drawing everyone’s attention. If you are still wondering on this note, then take help of the examples presented in this article.

For an additional $5, Facebook also offers a super affordable virtual dating service that helps you date on Facebook. I’ll be honest with you, I am guilty of using this service when I just don’t feel like swiping on everyone to find a date. Facebook Dating. As of late 2018 Facebook itself launched a dating app for Facebook called 'Facebook Dating'. This app integrates directly into Facebook and is designed, tested and developed in house. Similar to the 3rd party Facebook dating apps you can setup a separate dating profile and use the app to search for other Facebook members who. What you get on this page:. The 10 best dating profile examples for men. For Men, Ages: 20’s, 30’s, 40’s & 50’s+., eHarmony, okCupid, JDate & POF profile examples. A woman’s perspective on these profiles. Then I personally help fix your #1 Online Dating Attraction Killer. Facebook Dating Search. By default, Facebook Dating comes up with suggestions based on user profiles, preferences that have been set, groups, events on Facebook, and content shared on Facebook. Even then, it is possible to adjust the match settings in different ways like.

Best Dating Headlines for Women

  • You are a 9.9999. A perfect 10 – that would be your score if you were with me!
  • Not one of those dainty damsels!
  • Some people chase dreams, I make mine come true.
  • Please don’t email me saying that you think I’m hot. I already know that I am!
  • You think Jessica Alba or Salma Hayek is hot and sexy? Try me!
  • A sweet and chirpy gal wants a manly hunk!
  • I can be controlled only by true love! Can you bestow that on me?
  • I think I’m 99% perfect. The 1% is left to be filled up by my would-be Mr. Perfect!
  • I am scribbling a book of love. Can you form my imagination?
  • The lioness needs a keeper! I can only be petted with the right master.
  • I don’t want the moon from space, but a gentleman who can fill my life with love.
  • I’m a combo of traditional and contemporary. Simple at heart and straight with views. I want my man to be honest.
  • Have any raisins? No? Well, how about a date?
  • Don’t like coffee? Well, there are always the movies and the baseball games.
  • Waiting for my knight in shining armor. Will not throw a tantrum if he is wearing jeans or tracks!
  • Great cook … if you wanna add some spice to your life …
  • Where are all the bad boys?
  • Let’s get together and make boredom a thing of the past!
  • Don’t hit on my profile if you’re not keen on hitting on me!
  • I am composing a harmony of love; will you be my Muse?
  • I’m addicted to this site! Help me quit by becoming my mate.
  • I believe that griffins, good men, and other mythical creatures exist – prove me correct, at least in one respect!
  • If love is a crime, I’ll do my time!
  • Brainy lass seeking smart connection!
  • U and I could be more than just vowels!
  • You can be my prince charming or my future ex – you’ll never know unless you give it a try!
  • My soulmate’s gonna be my only property; guys who can commit unconditionally only need apply!

Best Dating Headlines for Men

  • Optimistic, understanding, and patient. My goals are distinct. Want a faithful woman with the same virtues.
  • Opposite poles attract! I’m brave and courageous, but looking for a timid and gentle partner.
  • Finding a good woman is like nailing Jello to a tree – I’m desperate to nail Jello to a tree!
  • If you swoon over six packs, then I am your guy!
  • Willing to endure with your shopping addiction!
  • Am I your future by any chance, lady?
  • I know Victoria’s secret.
  • We can make a perfect couple: I’ve got the brains and you’ve got the body!
  • Optimistic, understanding, and patient. My qualities are distinct. Looking for someone with the same characteristics.
  • Living the dream! Want to join me?
  • Life is not meant to be serious all the time. Can I persuade you to infuse some fun into my life?
  • I am the guy your mother warned you about. You know, the really fun and interesting one.
  • Blue eyes, blonde hair, big budget.
  • My better half would be my sole property. Gals who can love unconditionally are welcome.
  • A humble boy believing “education is the touchstone”. Want a smart and intelligent woman to spend life with.
  • If fun is all you want, be my online date! And then my soulmate …
  • Romantic men seem to be extinct. If you’re extinct, contact me now.
  • Stallion on lease.
  • Party like a rock star? Hell no, Party like a stand-up comedian. You’ll have more stories to tell at the end of the night.
  • Neurosurgeon, but know the ways of the heart.
  • Drama queens need not apply.

Setting the ideal dating profile headline for yourself is just like creating a good title for an article on newspaper. The more apt it is, the more attention you get!

For most of us, talking about yourself is hard. On social media, you need to get over this fear! That is why your Facebook Bio is so important to get right. It’s the perfect opportunity to let the world know what you do and to convince prospects, followers, friends and influencers to engage with you.

Facebook’s “About” section (also referred to as a “bio” in this post) is one of the first things visitors see when landing on your Facebook page. Keeping this section up-to-date in a creative and succinct manner is crucial for the overall appearance, quality and understanding of your page and what you do.

If you think about it, social media bios are the elevator pitch of the digital age. You have ten to thirty seconds – and 160 characters – to convince someone to engage with you.

In the post, we’ll drill down into the following topics: can help you succeed on Facebook by automatically scheduling posts across multiple Facebook profiles & pages. We’d love for you to try and see what we can do for you.

Some humor from unbounce from their post on The Digital Elevator Pitch: How to Create Click-Worthy Social Media Profiles:

Are you investing time in your social media profiles? If you’re not, you should be.

First question: Personal or business bio?

Is your Facebook bio for your personal or your business account? More than likely, these will require unique and different bios, but regardless of the intent, it’s important to be informative in a succinct manner.

The Personal Facebook bio

Whether you’re a teenager or an adult, your Facebook bio should include pertinent information about your life. When contemplating your personal Facebook bio, include the following:

  • Focus on your interests
  • Accomplishments
  • Include any quotes that inspire you.
  • If you enjoy music, for example, list your favorite groups and singers.
  • If you watch sports, write why you like certain teams.

The Business Facebook Bio

Writing a bio for your business carries more weight than a personal bio. Through a series of short descriptions and paragraphs, customers and potential customers alike will develop an understanding of your business.

At a minimum, it should include:

  • What you do or your company’s mission
  • Outline of the products or services you offer
  • Location and contact information (if applicable)
  • Key company personnel
  • Direct link to your company’s main website and your other social media sites

To start:

Develop an understanding of your business. Because everyone has a limited amount of spare time, it’s important that your Facebook bio be as succinct as possible.

1 – What do you do?

Write about the work that you do.

  • For example, if you wish for your site to interest people in publishing, you could state, “I am a freelance writer and editor who has written articles for style magazines and edited books for children.”

Discussing what you do highlights your career interests for those who are in similar professions and attracts Facebook friends who have similar work and life experiences.

2 – What are your favorite hobbies?

Facebook is not all about career interests.

  • Mentioning your hobbies within your bio (such as your love for reading or the new in office home brew station) is a good way to meet new friends with similar hobbies.
  • Adding personality is also true for sports fans who want to meet others interested in baseball, soccer or specific teams.
  • Gardening and cooking are other popular topics on Facebook that are useful to include in your biography if they are part of your lifestyle.

3 – Don’t forget to mention your pets!

Pets bring together friends on Facebook.

Adding mention of a pet, whether you have a fuzzy kitten, goldfish or an office dog, to a Facebook biography is a conversation starter that you can add to your bio to gain the attention of potential friends.

Quick Tips on Creating the Perfect Facebook Bio for Your Business

Here are six tips from The Digital Elevator Pitch: How to Create Click-Worthy Social Media Profiles:

  1. Share your value proposition. Remember, you’re trying to convince prospects and influencers to engage with you – follow, circle, like and comment on your social media activity. Your bio should tell them what your company does and what benefits you deliver.
  2. Keep SEO in mind. Many of the search engines are using social media bios in their algorithms. Craft your bios to leverage keywords while still offering prospects a compelling reason to engage.
  3. Use CTAs. Consider adding a call to action to your bio. Further engage your audience with the offer of a free trial, free taste, free download, etc.
  4. Include Links and Consider Landing Pages. Be sure to include a link in your bios, and you should consider sending them to a landing page with targeted messaging instead of your homepage. Read more about this concept from ConversionXL.
  5. Be Visual. The visual richness of social media has increased dramatically—from the massive hero image on Google+ to the new Twitter profile pages.
  6. Maximize Your Real Estate. It’s critical every word in your bio works hard. Common mistakes include informing visitors that they’ve reached “The Official channel of [company name]” and identifying the team of contributors.

Good Facebook Bio Ideas and Facebook Bio Examples

Some of the best Facebook Bio Pages use the space to give viewers a quick explanation of the Page and to list a call to action. You can craft your Pages in numerous ways – short and long descriptions, a mission statement, product links, milestones, etc. You can even put customer testimonials in this section.

Here are a few good examples from a social media expert to the leader in space pioneering to a local shout-out for some of my Sonoma wine and design friends:

Example #1: Mari Smith

Mari’s Facebook page contains excellent examples of using links to products and a complete description of her services. Mari is a must-Like on Facebook — she provides a ton of great information!

Example #2: NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration

NASA uses the General Information section (instead of the Long Description) to ask questions and further detail its mission.

Going back to its founding in 1851, The New York Times uses Milestones effectively on its Facebook Page. Scroll through – quite an impressive list.

Example #4: Three Fat Guys Wine

Tony and his friends have a unique collaboration going. It’s evident in their use of both the Short and Long Description in the About section of the Three Fat Guys Wine Facebook Page – “The only thing comparable to our love of food is our love of a great wine.”

Example #5: Chasing Grace

This new business inspired by three friends – Allison, Stacie, and Beth – showcases how a simple design with a few words defines beauty and elegance. The page design beckons you to click through to the website or “Shop Now!”

Example #6: Nowness

Launched in 2010, Nowness, a global video channel screening the best in culture, uses their Facebook bio page to showcase accomplishments (Awards) and highlight their Mission.

Example #7: Snipz

Snipz, a hair salon for the next generation (think under 5-years old), uses the About page for three simple purposes – to drive traffic to ‘Call Now’, to ‘Get Directions’, or ‘Message Now’. The design allows users to quickly do what they want to do – book an appointment or get in touch with someone NOW!

Use Your Facebook Bio to Stand Out From the Crowd

One last thought from unbouce:

Stand Out From the Crowd. Every three months you should review your Facebook bio to ensure it is in sync with your current value proposition. At the same time, take a look at your competitors’ social media “elevator pitch” and determine if you need to counter their positioning.

Best Facebook Dating Bio

Some of the most common Facebook “bio” mistakes:

  • Failing to explain what you or your business does or who it serves in a clear and concise manner.
  • Summaries that exceed the word limit and consequently, are cut off mid-sentence.
  • Failing to include a link to a website.


This post is part of our series on how to write impressive bios for social media. To catch up, here are our first three:


✓Blog: 9 Steps to Write a Killer ‘About Me’ Blog Author Bio that Doesn’t Suck

✓Twitter: How to Craft an Awesome Twitter Bio

✓Instagram: How to Create Good Instagram Bios: The Ultimate Checklist

Best Facebook Dating Bios


Have you seen a great Facebook Bio page on the web?

Best Facebook Dating Bios

Best Facebook Dating Bio

Is your Facebook Bio awesome? can help you succeed on Facebook by automatically scheduling posts across multiple Facebook profiles & pages. We’d love for you to try and see what we can do for you.

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