Tell Us About Yourself On Dating Site

For those seeking assistance and guidance in creating a dating profile, here are some suggestions on how to describe yourself. Learn how to attract attention with interesting details, that are sure to keep those friend requests coming…

An online dating site is an interesting portal to meet new people, and join groups with like-minded individuals. It is an opportunity to dip your feet into the dating networking pool, meant for those interested in meeting singles online. Many people may have an apprehensive approach to this idea, that with weirdos stalking these dating websites. You need to know how to separate the genuine men/women that you can get to know, from those you need to keep a good distance from.

Examples to Describe Yourself on a Dating Site

How to Introduce Yourself in Online Dating Sites (See Samples Below) How you introduce yourself in a dating site can truly give a positive or negative effect on the other person whom you wish to know and communicate so we have examples for you on how to simply introduce yourself. As far as OKCupid goes, guys are much better off answering only really important matching questions because it’s unlikely that women will rate things like “Must like cupcakes” and less central things as very important, so having the wrong answer can only hurt us in the matching algorithm. Not sure how other dating sites do it though. An online dating site is an interesting portal to meet new people, and join groups with like-minded individuals. It is an opportunity to dip your feet into the dating networking pool, meant for those interested in meeting singles online. Many people may have an apprehensive approach to this idea, that with weirdos stalking these dating websites.

With these tips for ‘describing yourself’ online, you’ll be prepared with a profile that is equally expressive and magnetic. Here’s how you can take on examples of writing a profile for online dating, and use it to your advantage. These are helpful dating profile examples, to aid you in figuring out a way to make it inviting.

Creatively Construct Your Headline

If the website you’ve signed into, has a headline option, that is; a single line that opens up at the top of the profile page, then here’s your chance to make it eye-catching. If men/women come across your profile, that is the first thing they will notice, besides your profile picture. It gets them interested and hooks them in. If it is lame or ordinary, people tend to skip the details given further in the profile.


Here are some eye-catchy examples:

  • ‘I’m an open book; turn me one page at a time to unravel my story..’
  • ‘I’m not desperate or lonely, just adventurous enough to date online..’
  • ‘Beware: I may just be the most awesome person you’ll ever meet..’
  • ‘I’m dangerously overloaded with intellect. I can make your mind swoon..’
  • ‘Brawny and brainy..’

Be Honest/Genuine

An online dating profile speaks for who you are as a person, where those who come across it will take immediate notice. Men/women like it when someone is expressive, and open about his/her likes and interests. It makes things easier to figure out when someone seems upfront about details that you can also relate to.


Given below are examples for describing yourself for online dating, and basically being yourself.

  • Include your real name and not a made up display name.
  • Include your interests/hobbies/likes/dislikes.
  • Describe yourself in a way that people see you/how you see yourself.
  • Mention groups/activities you are a part of.
  • Put up a picture of yourself, so people can trust what they see.

If someone has an empty profile that lacks anything interesting and comes off as secretive, it’s an obvious tip-off that he/she should be avoided. They look for ways to either have a dating profile online to check people out for fun, or to play around with them and lead them on. Be careful of who you entertain, and make sure you can read the signs if someone is being too pushy about revealing information that is still private to you. If someone is being too forceful about anything, read it as a sign that they need to be deleted from your list.

Avoid Personal Details and Include Important Information

When you trust the person enough to exchange numbers, then it is advisable to give them out. Also, when meeting for the first time, choose public locations for the first couple of weeks. Be honest about what kind of partner you’re looking for, and what preferences you’d like him/her to embody. In this way you can attract those who are of similar backgrounds, and can be assured that they will fit your criteria. Make sure you also have your age displayed, to avoid an age group that you aren’t comfortable with; do not lie about your age.

Update Your Profile Often

Many of us take our profiles for granted, with a lot of details changing over a period of months and even years. Keep information like ‘single’ or ‘dating’ updated, so that people know if you’re taken or still available and looking. Things like email addresses also should be changed if necessary. Some people have a bad habit of posting old pictures of themselves, often misguiding people on the web. Keep pictures updated, and even information of your whereabouts or any new-found details about yourself (avoid putting in work/home addresses and numbers for the sake of safety.

These online dating examples will help you in arranging a profile that is sure to bring in positive feedback, provided that you are true to yourself and willing to be upfront. Just be careful of who you interact with and how much you reveal in the beginning.

A 20-something year old female, residing in the south-eastern portion of the United States. I'm a successful graphic artist who enjoys cooking shows, blogging and creating products for virtual worlds in her spare time. Through my blog, I'm in search of my Prince... and myself.
  • Writing a Great Online Dating Profile - January 20, 2011
Tell Us About Yourself On Dating SiteYou can get your own content published on this site as long as you have CommentLuv installed on your site.

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What To Say About Myself On Dating Site

See the Write For Us page for more details

btw.. you can get this author box here

I’m committed in my search for my Prince and therefor, I read a lot of online dating profiles.

While online dating sites are all vastly different, one thing remains a constant – You always receive an area in which to talk about yourself, your interests and what it is you are looking for. It’s amazing how many guys “want someone honest, sweet, caring, trustworthy and fun to be around”. Isn’t this all of us!?

I’ve yet to see a profile that says “I want someone who lies, treats me like shit, doesn’t give a damn about me and cheats on me a lot”. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that that’s not something people are looking for on a dating site. Most people are actually there for a long lasting relationship and it can be assumed that they are first and foremost looking for someone with nice qualities.

But come on guys! What makes you different from the thousands of other profiles out there? And this goes for you ladies as well. Some of you are just as guilty as the boys are. What exactly are you looking for? What are your interests? What do you like to do? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? What kind of lifestyle do you lead or want? These are serious and very important questions you should know the answer to and be able to share on your dating profile.

So what kind of things should you be telling us? I’m going to give a range of examples of profiles containing interests and likes. These are based on REAL profiles I found!


Looking for a nice girl with no drama who doesn’t have baggage. I’m single, no kids. I like listening to music, reading and watching movies. I don’t really know what else to put here but if I seem interesting, hit me up and let’s chat.


I love sitcoms, working out, reading Sci-Fi books and going out for a night on the town with friends for a few drinks, some karaoke and some laughs. I’m working on my last year of college and hopefully that means a better job to come soon. I currently work as a bartender. It’s not much, but I get by. I am looking for a great guy who enjoys doing the same stuff I do and maybe can get me interested in other things she likes to do as well.


I’m looking to bring someone into my life, with whom I can share everything I have with. I’m completely single, never married, no hangups or crazy exes, and no kids. I live alone in my own house, but come from a very large and very close family. The woman I’m seeking would have these interests: loving to travel, learning about different cultures and customs, yearning to have a good time and explore new things, etc. You should be able to enjoy a night at the symphony followed by ballroom dancing (I can teach you ;)) just as much as a night at home watching reruns on TV in our underwear eating cheap but delicious chinese food and chasing it with a bottle of Pepto Bismal.


tell me, which of those 3 profiles would you rather read? Which one tells you the most about the writer? The key is to be real and in depth. You only get one chance and just a few seconds to catch the eye of the reader. That gorgeous picture of you with that amazing smile is only going to get you so far. If you’re totally hot but don’t seem to care enough about the online dating process to tell us a little about yourself, I have no problem closing the page and believe me, most people feel the same way.

There are still a lot of tips and tricks you should keep in mind when trying to write a great online dating profile. Consider some of these ideas…

Demonstrate, Don’t Describe
People tend to give a list of adjectives in their profiles and describe themselves as funny, positive, happy, witty or interesting. Don’t tell us… Show us with your writing. A happy sounding profile is more likely to display your cheerful personality than you telling us you have one. It make be cliche, but actions speak louder than words.

Use Proper Grammar and Punctuation
Lack of grammar and punctuation may seem like not such a big deal, but I figure if a man can’t take the time to pay attention to the details of his profile when he really has all the time in the world to construct rational, proper and complete thoughts – then how on earth is he ever going to be able to pay attention to details regarding me or take relationships as seriously as I do? Food for thought? I’ll take mine in cheesecake if you’ve got it.

Be Positive
Try to avoid negativity on your profile unless it’s a deal breaker (like you can’t date something with cats because you don’t like them or you are horrible allergic). If you have strong religious or moral standards you feel your match should have in common with you, by all means… list them in a positive manner. However, don’t talk down about yourself. How can anyone else like you if even you don’t think you’re worth being liked?

Tell Us About Yourself On A Dating Site

Be Honest… in moderation
Honesty really is the best policy. If you used to work out 5 days a week and now consider lifting your television remote to be exercise then be honest about that. The reader is making a decision on your here and now… not what you were doing 6 months ago.

Is He On Dating Sites

Weight is a touchy subject. On the one hand, if someone can’t like you for you, then you shouldn’t bother with them. But help people out. If you’ve packed on some pounds and don’t quite fit the look of your pictures, let people know. You’ll avoid that terrified and disgusted look on your date’s face when they see you for the first time. You don’t have to get into specific numbers – especially if you plan to lose some weight. You don’t owe that kind of information to anyone.

About Me Dating Site Ideas

Above all… Be yourself!
Write the kind of profile that demonstrates who you are and the kind of person you want to attract. Relax and let the information flow from your fingers. It’s okay if it takes a few times to get it perfect… it takes a few frogs before your find a prince.

How Do You Answer Tell Me About Yourself On Dating Site
