Tell Me About Yourself In Dating App

If you're not sure how to introduce yourself on a dating site or app, try out these fun options. Basic First Message Examples Just as you would introduce yourself to someone in real life, start with a form of 'hello' and the short version of why you're reaching out. When you match with someone on a dating app, incorporate their name in your intro (i.e., “Hi Julia, I’m Jack”) and notice how they will likely become more eager in their conversation. Tell them it’s nice to meet them. Telling someone it’s nice to meet them is one of the simplest intro lines for online dating you can use. Fellas, we’ve all been there. You meet someone at a party who catches your eye and strike up a conversation. Soon, the innocent banter between the two of you seems to be going well enough that it. Oh yeah, this lady’s Tinder about me example screams insecurity. And that’s exactly what the bios of many guys scream as well. And people don’t want any of it. Just like research showed us. Profiles with high levels of SSP (selective self-presentation) perform poorly in online dating.

Six weeks ago, I changed my Grindr status to “Instead of ‘hey’, feel free to start by telling me something interesting about yourself!”

I got, shall we say, a variety of responses.

Tell Me About Yourself In Dating App Template

Some of them shared a little

Some of them shared a lot

Some of them were educational

Some of them wanted to get the icebreaker out of the way

Some of them diversified their portfolio

Some of them seem like we would be friends

Some of them went to Oberlin

Some of them could write a great blog

Some of them got meta

Some of them were having a stroke


Some of them taught me about my own shortcomings

Some of them have busy Christmases

Some of them needed a hug and hot cocoa

Some of them spoke in intriguing metaphors

Some of them had MBAs

Some of them sent dick pics

Some of them did better on their second attempt

Some of them required follow-ups

Some of them misunderstood the assignment

Some of them would have made fascinating conversation partners

Some of them humblebragged

Some of them gave good backstory

Some of them confirmed negative stereotypes

Some of them read their horoscope every morning

Tell Me About Yourself In Dating App

One of them, at least, was husband material

(Last Updated On: 08/18/2016)

Anonymous asks: “I met this girl on Facebook, we exchanged phone numbers and and after a few texts, she asks me by text “Tell me about yourself”. Am I really supposed to tell her all about me by text?””

How To Describe Yourself In Dating Site

First, I am honestly disappointed that people actually send those kinds of lame text messages. Do they really expect you to send a long, detailed reply text where you really tell them about yourself? I am not surprised to hear that girls actually send messages like that, since I have received my fair share of “How are u?”s and “Hey”‘s texts.

So, let’s talk about how to reply to this kind of text message:

1. Actually answering that question literally and telling her all about you by text is a bad idea and something you should never be doing.

Texting back something like “I was born in….. went to school…. and moved here in…. with my family” is a terrible way to handle this question, whether it’s ask by text or in any other way. It suggests that you are either boring or willing to waste time typing away long stories, as if you had nothing better to do, which should never be the case. You should never be getting to know a girl or letting her getting to know you by text. Texting girls should be reserved for short witty/flirty messages or for logistics only about the location of meeting, being a little later, etc.

2. Ignore The Question and Call Her Sometimes Later

One of the great ways to prevent the damage that pointless texting can cause is simply stopping to reply and then picking up the phone and calling her. The same applies to the “Tell me about yourself” question. Don’t answer, but instead – tell her that you don’t think it’s such a great idea to get to know each other by text and you will just call her later. Don’t be afraid to do this. Many girls (especially the better kind) will appreciate this. See real example here:

I realize that talking on the phone is “out of style” these days but if you met someone on Facebook, hearing each other’s voice is important to figuring out whether you are going to like each other, and texting won’t cut it. Instead, it will turn you into one of her texting buddies very quickly. Therefore, the best and the easiest way to respond to this text is with: “I will call you later” or “I will tell you later” or just ignore the text altogether and call her later on that day, and not worry about telling her about yourself at all, at least at that point. Given how many girls, especially younger girls, have ADD, she is unlikely to remember asking you to tell her about yourself anyway.