Okcupid Bio Ideas

“Fluent in Sarcasm” Or literally any mention of sarcasm at all, to be honest. People love to claim to. Here are a few ideas of angles you can take to come up with the perfect headline FOR YOU. Remember, the headline has to be specific to you. Finding “the best” headline won’t do you any good if it doesn’t say much about who you are. You really can’t go wrong with using a. Another huge benefit of a well-written bio is dating sites present your profile to women based on the information you write in it. Below is an example on how OkCupid shows men to women. In this case, a woman on OkCupid described how she likes traveling and shared she was politically liberal in the questionnaire all members answer when signing up.

  1. Okcupid Bio Ideas Images
  2. Okcupid Bio Ideas Youtube

Looking for the best OkCupid profile examples you can use to get more likes?

We’ve put together OkCupid profile “About Me” examples for each of the 6 prompts OkCupid lets you choose from.

Try these ideas out and see which one is the best fit for your OkCupid profile!

OkCupid Profile “About Me” #1: My Self-summary

OkCupid’s first and most popular “About me” prompt is “My self-summary”. This OkCupid profile option is so general that it can feel daunting to come up with an original and interesting way to summarize yourself.

Our favorite go-to is to list three favorite things — foods, hobbies, movies — whatever you’re passionate about.

Limiting your list to three keeps your summary succinct and makes people interested in learning more about you instead of thinking they already have you figured out.



Jocelyn, 28
My self-summary

Bad horror movies, sour beer, running in Riverside Park

Peter, 30
My self-summary

Matcha addict, Minecraft architect, Michael Bay film critic

OkCupid Profile “About Me” #2: Favorite Thing

Unless you’re traveling, most people seeing your OkCupid profile probably live in the same area as you. So answering the “favorite thing about the place I live” prompt with something very general about your city, like “sunshine, mountains, the people” isn’t all that compelling.

OkCupid profiles that offer a very specific interesting fact or anecdote are much more likely to get a doubletake.


Renee, 24
Favorite thing about the place I live

I can get CBD tinctures for myself and my dog from at least 3 places on my block.

Stephen, 26
Favorite thing about the place I live

We have arguably the best Indian food in the state, nay, the west.

OkCupid Profile “About Me” #3: People Who Know Me…

Think of your OkCupid profile as your dating resume. Your relationship prospects don’t need to see a list of qualities you think you are (funny, warm, team player). Instead, let your personality speak for itself when you share things your friends would say about you.

We like this most likely/least likely template for answering the “most people that know me would say I’m…” prompt.


Lee, 23
Most people that know me would say I’m

most likely to find reasons to order takeout, least likely to cook

Casey, 22
Most people that know me would say I’m

Most likely to initiate game night, least likely to go to a football game

OkCupid Profile “About Me” #4: Favorite Childhood Memory

We’ve noticed most people tend to stick to the default “my self-summary” OkCupid profile prompt, so you’re more likely to stand out from the pack just by choosing the lesser-known “favorite memory from my childhood”.

Sharing a funny or wholesome memory strikes the perfect chord of intimate without being creepy, and will make people want to swipe right to learn more.


Jessica, 21
Favorite memory from my childhood

Eating Klondike bars for breakfast whenever we were on vacation

Mark, 26
Favorite memory from my childhood

Riding my bike from dawn til dusk every day during the summer without a care in the world.

OkCupid Profile “About Me” #5: Things I am not

Using emojis for the OkCupid profile prompt “Things I am not” is the perfect chance to reveal your sassy side.

Emojis can be interpreted in many different ways, so describing yourself with them in your OkCupid profile will lead to follow-up questions in your chat.


Gwen, 23
Things I am not

🎨, 🔮, 🍸, 💩

Richard, 28
Things I am not

👽, 💀, 🏄, ☕

OkCupid Profile “About Me” #6: Haiku

Picking “Me, a Haiku” as your OkCupid profile prompt is bold, bound to impress, and easier than you think!

Just decide what 3 attributes or hobbies you’d most want to include in your profile and play around with them to fit the 5/7/5 syllable format.


Kennedy, 29
Me, a Haiku

Yoga instructor.
Animal rights activist.
Macrame dabbler.

Jason, 33
Me, a Haiku

Game of Thrones critic.
Sky diving is my passion.
Caffeine fuels my life.

NOTE: Even the most 🔥🔥🔥 OkCupid profile can’t make up for bad pics…

If your pics are blah, it’s game over.

People only even read a person’s OkCupid profile after already liking their pics.

The best solution out there: test your pics on Photofeeler.

Photofeeler tells you exactly how your OkCupid photos are coming across to women or men.

Go to Photofeeler.com now and give it a try!

Good Tinder Conversation Starters, Best Tinder Bios For Guys, Girls, Headlines, Good Photos To Use, Witty Pick Up Lines, How To Get More Likes On Tinder

Tinder Profile Tips: Tinder Profiles, Bios, Prompts & Tinder First Messages

For many, Tinder is the first stab at online dating. It’s the most popular dating app on the market and it’s the most widely known and referenced in pop culture. It is the dating app that started the left-swipe, right swipe era.

However just because it’s the most widely downloaded dating app, it’s not the best dating app for everyone nor most people. There are many bots, primarily for users 18-25, those looking for something casual or for those without other dating app options in there area.

Nearly every dating app out there has copied their innovative approach including Match and OkCupid which were largely desktop first platforms that eventually gave into mobile apps such as How About We, Hinge, Bumble, Coffee Meets Bagel and many others.

Best Tinder Opening Lines, Icebreakers, Bios & About Me Section For Guys, Girls

Collectively these dating apps have launched online dating into the mainstream. They are no longer used by introverts, geeks, artsy folks and those with fetishes. In fact, many attractive, popular and even famous folks use Tinder for meeting others. You need good photos to do well on dating apps but your bio and opening lines will set you apart from the competition.

It’s not a matter of copying and pasting lines from the internet as it it improvising, good timing, flow and awareness of pop-culture, being able to identify trends, suggestions and references to things like tv, movies, food, music, podcasts etc.

Biggest Struggles People Face On Tinder

Best bio for okcupid

Despite its straightforward design and structure, there are many, many folks who struggle with the app. Most fail to get matches, some fail at initiating a successful conversation, others fail at taking the conversation offline and meeting IRL. Many guys end up spending lots of money of various bells and whistles to help their case with minimal success.

There is no better ROI than investing in good photos, selecting the best bio example based on your lifestyle, and knowing your audience to use the best pick up lines based on their personality and what they communicate through their photos and bio. The best Tinder bio for guys won’t matter if your photos, facial expressions, and expectations are all in sync.


For additional tips on all things Tinder regarding photos, premium features, bans, shadow bans and more, read my Tinder blog posts.

Is Tinder Advice on Reddit Any Good i.e. r/Tinder, r/RoastMe?

Most advice is geared toward those that are looking to hookup, finding pen pals, need help themselves or are looking to make fun of people’s photos, profiles, and communications (as evidenced in all the screenshots of communications with matches). For those looking for general online dating apps around photos, bios, prompts and more, read this guide to online dating.

Similarly, using copy and pasted pickup lines and bios from the internet are way to cliche. Men outnumber women on dating apps and men outnumber women in terms of dating apps used per person – you do the math.

That clever bio or pickup line you saw on that website listed on Google – well she has seen that and heard that dozens if not hundreds of times. Unless you cater your intro lines to her profile and your personality, your effort will fall flat.

r/RoastMe is more brutal but more honest. Most people don’t have thick enough skin to be told things that their friends and family were nervous to tell them. Again, with any public feedback, know your audience. The feedback I would give to clients for their profile critique varies by their age, location, lifestyle etc. Most forums on Reddit offer advice from those that spend time on Tinder and struggle with online dating.

First Thing To Know Before Creating A Good Dating Profile For Tinder, Best Tinder Bios

Like many men who throw away instructions and start to put together furniture or building items for the house, men of Tinder often opt for this approach – trial and error. While that may work for other projects, Tinder is a little different.

There are some irreversible or at least hard to overcome actions when you venture off into the world of online dating. As soon as you create your profile and go live (regardless if you start swiping or not), you are being judged. This is why it’s important to start off strong because your profile is shown most widely early on to get you hooked but also teach the algorithm.

Unlike profiles on Match.com where you can browse, sort and filter profiles and view them all at once on the same screen, Tinder serves up profiles one by one to users as soon as the profiles are created. Sure you can change your radius, age and select other preference but Tinder will decide who and when to show your profiles to others and vice-versa.

How Does Tinder Decide Who To Show You? ELO Score

Tinder has what’s called an ELO score which is its way of scoring and ranking users. The idea behind it is that it tries to guess your attractiveness – the more you are swiped right on, the more your score goes up, the more often you are shown to others. This general framework seems straightforward but people often try to game the system. Using someone else’s photos and then switching back to yours may help initially but since it’s done too often, folks have gotten banned.

What About New Profiles With No Or Little Swipe Activity? Tinder Algorithm

Good question, new profiles are treated well for a couple of reasons in that they are shown many profiles and attractive profiles. This is done for two main reasons – 1) this entices users to the platform to get them hooked on the idea that are many desirable people around them and 2) it helps to kick the algorithms off by showing you to many folks so it can quickly collect how they respond to your profile.


Soon enough, Tinder has enough data on your experience will regress to the mean – if you are viewed unattractive by others, you will be shown less desirable profiles and fewer profiles in hopes that you will pay more to view more profiles and better profiles.

Tinder Profile Pictures, Best Photos For Guys, Girls To Get More Likes

Dating apps like OkCupid and Match were primarily profile first platforms that contained a lot of information about users in addition to their photos. One had to click through the profile to send a message or like the profile. Now dating profiles are heavily photo-driven in nature. You need good photos in order for your bios and messages to have any chance for success. Read this guide on some tips on what photos to use and which to avoid.

Tinder Profile Tip: Should You Activate Tinder Smart Photos?

Many people struggle trying to figure out which are the best photos to use in a Tinder profile. Great Tinder photos are rather selective. They are based on lighting, pose, outfits, enviroment, order and lastly based on other photos other people have used that you are competing with.

Tinder Smart Photos figures out what order to place your photos through extensive testing. For arugment’s sake, assuming your best photo is figured out by Tinder, doesn’t mean that your photos are good or that you can’t improve them. Additionally, Tinder will show your worst photos through these tests and everyone knows making a good first impression is your best chance for success (you are only as attractive as your worst photo).

Tinder Smart Photos / Courtesy of https://blog.gotinder.com/

Tinder’s testing in my opinion is not something one should trust. It’s nearly impossible to know what photo led to someone swiping left or right on Tinder. Many people swipe right after the last photo in the profile. Some people swipe right or left after they have seen enough (not necessarily what is best or worst). Your best bet is to ask a trusted source that has an unbiased point of view.

How Do You Start A Convo On Tinder? Good Tinder Bios, Openers & Why You Shouldn’t Copy and Paste

Before you start to worry about your opening lines, you need to focus on your bio. After your photos, your bio is the next important aspect of your profile. Before you can message someone you need to match with them and before you can match, the other person has to review your photos and secondly your bio. If your bio is weak, you will receive fewer matches. Fewer matches means fewer opportunities for opening lines.

A good bio is unique, confident, creative, witty and insightful. They should complement your photos and set up your opening lines. Many of the examples online are used frequently and are obviously copy and pasted. Good luck trying to separate yourself from the rest.

Listing something cliche is like The Office will get you nowhere. Writing about something less mainstream though like Unorthodox or Shtisel might make you slightly more interesting but not if you self-sabotage the rest of your bio or photos.

Successful Tinder Bios – Frameworks + Tips On Tinder Bios For Guys

A good dating app bio should be consistent with your photos and your appearance. Too many guys try to be the most interesting man in the world and try to be the jack of all trades. If you are looking for something casual or looking for something with LTR possibilities, you need to communicate that directly or indirectly.

Be specific, cliche bios are boring. Travel and Netflix offer no insight. Things you find odd, random, interesting, are passionate about are great. Instead of writing Netflix, reference a specific character on a lesser known show like Akiva on Shtisel. Self-deprecating humor is great when not too harsh.

Avoid emojis unless to save space and limited to a few. Lists that flow well are great: Great at ‘X’, Awful at ‘Y’, Aspiring ‘Z’ but settling for ‘A’. Avoid adjectives and use descriptive nouns and examples. Also, avoid duplicate info in the fields above (job, height, company, location). Avoid being negative.

Tinder Profile Tips: Bad Tinder Bios & Profiles

Good Tinder Bio Examples, Guys & Girls

Corn-fed from the Midwest, moved to the SF last year for green pastures. In search of great coffee cocktails, morning runs to start my day 6 days a week and long-time couchsurfer.

A bio like this communicates quite a bit in a few characters. Runners and couchsurfers are pretty distinct lifestyles and offer specific details about one’s priorities, travel style etc.

Ethically ambiguous, expert seat grabber at NOPA, big cities > resort vacations currently trying to figure out what to do with all my ceramics pieces from class.

This bio invites speculation about ethnicity, origins as well as conveys loves of food in addition to travel style. As a bonus, shows your current classes taken. Well-rounded without spilling all the beans at once – leave something for the imagination.

I live for GTL on the weekends – Galleries + Tea + Lacrosse. Currently planning for my trip to X and learning how to replicate the Y dish at Z but failing miserably – any tips?

An alternative to the obvious show reference but reveals some consistent hobbies and activities you enjoy (art, tea and physical activity in lacrosse) along with new items you are trying to pick up.

But What If I Have No Hobbies

I recommend exploring classes, games, hobbies, clubs, meetups etc. Hobbies and interests are essential if you want to attract someone. People feed off energy, passion, enthusiasm and connections. You will need hobbies, experiences, interests and more to carry conversations via text, phone, video dates and in person. You can fake this step. These are critical items that help make you more attractive to others.

Tinder Text Prompts, Conversation Starters

Recently, Tinder launched what are called Tinder text prompts to help those with poor photos add some conversation starters on their Tinder profiles.

Best Opening Tinder Lines, Openers & Good Tinder Pick Up Lines

Avoid the obvious here. Guys tend to focus on looks way too often. Focus on bios, photos, background of photos, outfits, activities etc. Women that are bombarded by their looks have heard it all before, be unique. Show some thought and interest in the person. Ask open-ended questions.

What’s going on in this photo? Any tips for XYZ? Do you miss ABC from your hometown? Have you ever tried X? Did you check out ABC on your trip here?

There are clever ways of asking the above but to avoid others copying and pasting tired old lines, I wanted to provide some ideas for you to let your creativity flow. Opening lines should be specific to the user. They should be timely. Lastly opening lines should be sent not so soon after matching as to seem desperate or likely you are online 24/7 but not too far out that the person doesn’t feel prioritized.

Should You List Your Height On Tinder?

Tinder is one of the few dating apps where height is not a required field. As such people often add it in the bio section of their dating profile. If there is any doubt on profiles, people tend to swipe left and move on. Lying about height is one of the most common lies on dating apps outside lying about one’s age.

It’s not typical to see a woman’s profile listed a height minimum of 6 feet on dating apps. It’s not frequent but enough for boys to whine about on Reddit and internet forums. What percentage of men are over 6 feet tall? In the United States it’s about 14.5%. Is 5’11” a good height for a guy? Yes, it is.

Statistically speaking guys should target women at least 2 inches shorter than them but it’s not impossible for guys to date women their height or taller than them. A guy should always be honest with his height and not lie.

What is the Tinder, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn Meme

It is something started by Dolly Parton that illustrated the types of photos used by people on various social platforms.

Worst Tinder Profiles, Bad Tinder Bios

The worst Tinder profiles are those that contain photos with other women, gym selfies, car selfies, ab photos, bedroom selfies, and bathroom selfies. These are generally the worst offender list in the Tinder bingo card.

Worst Tinder Pick Up Lines, Tinder Fails, Worst Tinder First Messages

If you want to see the worst opening lines on Tinder, go to r/Tinder on Reddit. Using trendy lines, copy/pasted lines from PUA or ghostwriters is ineffective unless you are attractive.

Tinder Vibes: How Do Vibes On Tinder Work?

Okcupid Bio Ideas Images

Vibes are timely events that allow users to select lifestyle items from a set of prompts pushed by Tinder. These questions are aimed to reveal personality traits and connection with pop culture.

Next Read: How To Start The Conversation On Dating Apps

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Okcupid bio tips

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About Eddie Hernandez

Eddie Hernandez is a professional photographer specializing in natural, candid online dating photos. Featured in the SFGate, ABC7News, East Bay Express, Salon; contributor to Good Men Project, Plenty Of Fish and Meddle. In addition to photos, he provides guidance around app choice, bio optimization, messaging techniques, wardrobe advice and date ideas. https://eddie-hernandez.com/contact/

Dating Profile Critique

For those of you who are remote or virtual dating help and are looking for anonline dating profile critiqueyou can read more about my services here.

For other helpful online dating tipscheck out my blog for more helpful advice: https://eddie-hernandez.com/blog/

Online Dating Frequently Asked Questions(Photos, App Choice, Wardrobe, Messaging, Bios and More): https://eddie-hernandez.com/online-dating-frequently-asked-questions/

Okcupid Bio Ideas Youtube

Tinder Bios For Guys, Tinder Bio Tips For Girls, What To Write In A Tinder Profile, How To Write A Tinder Bio, Dating Profile Tips For Men, Online Dating Profile Tips For Girls, Tinder Description Tips, Best Tinder Bios, Good Lines, For Tinder, Good Lines To Use On A Guy, What To Write To A Girl On Tinder, Tinder Pickup Lines, Tinder First Messages Ideas, Best Tinder Bios For Guys, Best Tinder Bios For Girls, Tinder Bio Tips, Tinder Bio Examples, Tinder Openers, Best Tinder Openers, How To Start A Conversation On Tinder, Best Tinder Pickup Lines, How To Message On Tinder, Tinder Opening Lines, Opening Lines Tinder, Tunder, Tonder, Great Tinder Bios, Tinder Profile Template, Funny Dating Profiles, Tinder Icebreakers, Tinder Ice Breakers, Tinder Ice-Breakers, Opening Text To A Girl, Pickup Lines, How To Talk To Girls, Things To Talk About, How To Start A Conversation With A Girl, Opening On Tinder, Best First Line Tinder, Funny Opening Lines, How To Match On Tinder, How To Get Matches On Tinder, Witty Tinder Bios, Questions To Ask A Girl, Opening Lines For Tinder, Best Opening Lines, Tinder Tips For Guys, Tinder Tips For Girls, What To Write In Tinder Bio, What Height Is Considered Short, What Is A Good Height For A Man, Good Questions To Ask A Girl, Tinder Profiles, Tinder Bio Guy, Tinder Bio For Guys, Good Tinder Bio For Guys, Best Tinder Bio For Guys, How To Start A Tinder Conversation, Tinder Conversation Starters, Tinder Conversation Tips, Tinder Conversation Examples, Tinder Prompts, Good Tinder Prompts, Best Tinder Prompts, Tinder Text Prompts, Example Tinder Profile, Best Male Tinder Profile, Men Tinder Bio, Good Male Tinder Profiles, Can You Tinder Your Way Into A Relationship, Tinder Bio Examples For Girl, Tinder Profile Examples, Tinder Bio Ideas, Tinder Profile Tips, Funny Tinder Questions To Ask A Guy, Funny Tinder Questions To Ask A Girl, Funny Online Dating Questions, Funny Questions To Ask On Tinder, Examples of Good Tinder Profiles, Tinder Bio Examples For Guys, How To Make A Good Tinder Window, Writing A Good Tinder Bio, Funny Tinder Profiles, Should I Use Tinder Smart Photos, Best Tinder Profiles Guys, Best Tinder Profiles For Guys, Best Tinder Profiles For Girls, Simple Tinder Bios, Short Bio Examples, Dating Profile Generator, How To Make A Good Tinder Bio, How To Describe Yourself Examples, Witty Dating Profile Examples, Good Online Dating Profiles To Copy, Tinder About Me, Tell Me About Yourself Dating, Perfect Tinder Bio, Mens Tinder Profile, Funny Tinder Profiles For Guys, Great Tinder Pick Up Lines, Bumble Or Tinder, Good Opening Lines For Tinder, Funny Tinder Bios For Guys, Good Tinder Pick Up Lines, Best Pickup Lines For Tinder, Tinder Pick-Up Lines, How To Talk To Girls On Tinder, First Message To A Girl, Online Dating First Message, Good Opening Lines On Tinder, Funny Bio For Tinder, Best Bio For Tinder, First Message On Tinder, Tinder Chat, Pick Up Lines For Tinder, Perfect Tinder Lines, How To Be Successful On Tinder, Funny First Message Online Dating Example, What To Put In A Tinder Bio, How To Open A Tinder Conversation, What’s The Best Bio On Tinder, How Do I Make My Tinder Profile Attractive, What Should A Guy Put In His Tinder Bio, What To Write About Yourself On A Dating Site Examples, Tinder Profile Template Blank, Writing A Tinder Bio, Writing A Dating Bio, Writing A Tinder Profile, Tinder Bio Generator, Witty Tinder Bios Male, Best Tinder Pick up Lines, Dating Bio Tips, What Should I Write In My Tinder Profile, What Should I Say About Me On A Dating Site, How Do You Introduce Yourself Online Dating, Questions To Ask Someone You Like, Best Conversation Starters Tinder, What Is A Good Conversation Starter, Online Dating Conversation Starters, Worst Pick Up Lines, Cutest Pick Up Lines, Best Pick Up Lines For Women, Cheesy Pick Up Lines For Him, Corny Jokes, Good Pick Up Lines For Tinder, Dumb Pick Up LInes, Smooth Pick Up Lines For Her, Terrible Pick Up Lines, Short Dating Profile Examples Males, How To Open Tinder Conversation, About Me Tinder, Good Tinder Openers, What Should I Write In My Tinder Bio, What Should You Not Put In Your Tinder Bio, How Do I Make My Tinder Bio Impressive, How Do You Flirt On Tinder, Funny Tinder Bio Examples, Tinder Bio Lines For Guys, Simple Tinder Bios Male, Simple Tinder Bios Female, Good Tinder Bio Lines, Best Male Tinder Bios, How Do I Become Successful On Tinder, What Should I Say On Tinder, Most Successful Tinder Bios, How To Best User Tinder, How To Text A Girl, Best Time To Text A Girl, Best Time To Message A Girl, What Questions Should I Ask Online Dating, What Questions Should I Ask On A Dating App, What Should I Talk About Online Dating, Covid 19 Pick Up Lines, Coronavirus Pick Up Lines, How To Start A Conversation With A Girl Over Text, What Can I Say To A Girl To Start A Conversation, Tinder Profile Examples Male, Tinder Profile Examples Female, Tinder Profile Pics, Perfect Tinder Profile, Good vs Bad Tinder Profiles, Tinder Bio For Men 2021, Tinder Bios For Guys 2021